Friday 11 January 2013

4 Other Fields of Photography!

I have chose 4 other fields of photography is:
- Still Life
- Sports
- Fine Art
- Cosplay

I have chosen these 4 because i think they are either interesting or i don't know much information about them and i would like to know more and go into depth and detail.

Still Life
There are many different contexts of still life photography, it can be used for advertisements, science and
An advertising still life photographer is Nori Inoguchi, who took photos for Tom Ford's bottle of fragrance surrounded by fur. This is the final photograph Tom Ford used to advertise his product:

I like this photograph because it makes the bottle stand out to the fur and makes it more aesthetically pleasing and appealing to the eye. I like the way that the bottle and the fur are similar colours but the bottle is a slight lighter colour to make it look more inferior and makes sure its the first thing you see when you look at it.

Still Life photography has been popular since the early 19th century, they adopted this from painters such as Vincent Van Gogh who were famous for painting still life.
This is an example of the early still life photography by Adolphe Braun in 1867, the photo is called 'A Hunting Scene'

Sports photography is a genre which covers every sport from horse riding to snow boarding and skate boarding.
The sports photographers normally use a DSLR camera, when taking images a high shutter speed - 8 fps or sometimes faster. This controls the amount of light in which reaches the sensor inside of the camera. This means that moving objects will look still
There are many different famous photographers in Sports, a few are Bob Martin, Dave Black and Tom Jenkins.
Since 1998 Bob Martin has covered every single Olympic game, he has won the British sport photographer of the year award 3 times. Bob said that being a sports photographer takes time as you can't always get the best shot. Bob Martian uses a range of tele-photo and super tele-photo lenses to get a photo regardless of distance. These are a few pictures of the equipment he uses:

Another photographer is Dave Black, he has been a free lance photographer for over 30 years. He has photographed for publications such as Time, Sports Illustrated and news-week. Dave Black uses a technique called Creative lighting, this means that he uses various lighting to create a captivating look to change the perspective. 
This is an example of one of Dave Blacks work:

Fine Art
Fine art photography was discovered during the early decades of the 20th century. 
An example of a fine art photographer is Alfredo Stieglitz. This is an example of one of his photographs:
'The Pool Deal' 1910

Cosplay really means Costumed role-play. Basically cosplay is to dress as a character from a Japanese/Korean animated TV show or video game. Most cosplay is done or found at anime conventions. 
Cosplay photography mainly focuses on the person and the attire they wear rather than the scenery or the things in the background. Cosplay photography is a mixture of fashion photography and portrait photography where both the clothing and the person in the photograph are the main focus. 
A cosplay photographer is Shiro Ang.
Shiro Ang is a photographer specializing in portrait, fashion and music photography. In Shiro's spare time he tends to do coverage of Anime and Cosplay related events. 
Here is a few examples of Shio's work found from his website

These are all inspired by characters such as Jonny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean.
These are some types of cameras that Shiro Ang likes to use:
- Nikon D800
- Nikon F3HP

Friday 16 November 2012


Underwater Photography.
Under water photography is the process of taking photographs while under water. Under water photography is usually done whilst scuba diving, but also can be done whilst swimming or snorkeling too.
 With underwater photography you need to have special equipment, which is waterproof, as you don’t want your stuff to get damaged. It also has to be done with special techniques to get good photographs of the animals mostly fish and marine life. But underwater photography doesn’t just have to be animals, as you can take photos of people, landscapes such as ship wrecks or underwater caves.
This photo is an example of Underwater photography done with people:

I got this photo from the photographer is called Hazel Steel. 

A famous underwater photographer is called David Doubilet.
This is the link to his website:
All the photographs i use below are taken from his website.
He has many photos from marine life to humans. 
These are a few of his photographs from his portfolio:

This photograph is of David and Jennifer Hayes, who is an aquatic biologist and photojournalist specialized in  national history and marine environments. 

This photo is called Devils Eye Spring, Florida 00080.

This photograph is the Wreck of Japanese Zero, Rabaul, Papua, New Guinea 00136.

He has also taken many photos for the National Geographic magazine, these are some of the front covers:

David Doubilet began snorkeling at age 8, by the age of 12 David was making pictures underwater with a Brownie Hawkeye camera, so he has been interested in it for most of his life from a young age. David has tried many ways and finally mastered the technique of working underwater and the light to become the worlds most celebrated underwater photographer.
He has been from country to country including Africa, the northern sea, the southern sea and many more.
Not also is David a photographer, he is an editor and also an author of 12 books including the award winning Water Light Time.
He has many awards including numerous Picture of the year, BBC wildlife, Communication Arts and World Press awards.
David lives with his wife and work partner, Jennifer Hayes in New York.

Zena Holloway

Zena has many different photo shoots, one is called 'Fabulous' which is Tulisa, the photos above. I got all these photos from her website These are some more of her photos from her shoots:

This photo is form the shoot B.INSPIRED.

This is a photograph of Zena in mid photography with the equipment she uses, i also got this photo off her website:

Zena was born in Bahrain in 1973, but was raised in London. She self taught her self to become an underwater photographer. In 1996 Zena completed her first advertising campaign for Faberge.

Elaine White

Elaine White is known for taking photos of sea animals such as seals to whale sharks. After learning to dive in 2001 she decided to combine both photography and diving together and started underwater photography. She has been around the world from the Maldives, the north east of England across the coast to the Farnes Islands.
In 2009 Elaine was a runner up for BSAC Underwater Photography Competition, now she has an exhibition of her work at the Denbigh Chocolate shop in North Wales.
This is a quote from Elaine on her website ''
“I love everything about being underwater and feel privileged that I can enjoy and photograph the whole experience. No two dives are ever the same and you can never predict what you will see – so often the beauty is in the detail and I enjoy the challenge of capturing the unexpected.”
Elaine White
This is a photograph of Elaine with her underwater camera.

These are some of the photos from her portfolio on her website:

,making-of-the-immersion-artwork_17.htm - this is a link for the website of Pendulum, they had an underwater photo shoot in a tank for there album art work for Immersion. You can see Storm Thorgerson the art director for the whole shoot overviewing everyone and the photographer Rupert Truman was doing everything okay. Lee Baker the shoot co-ordinator at storm studios is making sure everything and everyone were in the right place on the shoot and how the acted also, Sadie Collins who was one of the models on the shoot expressed how much she enjoyed working for Storm and that he enjoyed working underwater because it was fun and the posture that everyone has looks brilliant, which i agree.
This is the final product for the album after being edited and photoshopped:

What Type of Cameras Do Photographers Use?

There are three different types of under water cameras, amphibious cameras for use down to 10 metres, amphibious cameras for use down to 50 metres and housed land cameras.
Amphibious cameras for use down to 10 metres have rapidly grown in the last 5 years, at first there was only one the Weathermatic, a 110 format camera but now there are many 35mm shallow water cameras available from many companies such as Canon (AS6), Nikon (L25AV) and finally Fuji (RDK). 
Amphibious cameras for use down to 50 metres is extremely limited, but this is the camera choice that is used by most underwater photographers so is very popular. The most popular camera for proffesional photography is the Nikonos which is fully waterproof down to 50m under the water. 
Camera housings is the alternative to an amphibious camera, as you use a land camera but put that into an underwater housing. These can range from 10 metres underwater and 100 metres.
This is an example of a camera housing:

I got this photo from ' '

The history of Underwater Photography

Underwater photography has been around for many years, the first underwater photograph was taken on a camera mounted on a pole in 1856 by William Thompson. Then in 1983 the first diving photograph was taken when Louis Boutan went diving wearing special gear. In the Bahamas in 1914 John Ernest Williamson shot the first motion picture underwater. In 1926 W. H. Longley and Charles Martin take the first colour underwater photograph using a magnesium powered flash to take the best photo they could. In 1957 the Calypso-Phot camera was designed by Jean De Wouters which has a maximum of 1/1000 second shutter speed which was produced later on by Nikon with a very similar look but 1/500 second shutter speed which became the best selling underwater camera. 

Under Water Flash used by photographers

Trying to create the best look and light under water is the hardest challenge a photographer has, this is often regarded as the hardest part in underwater photography. The light used is generally from a flash or a strobe, wide angle images are usually 100% strobe light to get the best view with using the sunlight reflecting off the water. 
Cameras now have simplified the process of trying to find a balance between sunlight and strobe light by using a TTL (through-the0-lens) metering. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Underwater Photography

There are many different advantages of underwater photography, these are a few of them:

- Marine photography is good exercise to go diving while holding huge heavy equipment in the process, it keeps you healthy instead of a normal job.
- The experience of underwater photography is amazing as you can capture photos of any animal or any underwater ruin while doing there job! 

The disadvantages are that it can be very dangerous with the heavy equipment and the current and tidal flow, it may be that the heavy equipment can get damaged, lost and many other things. Also swimming with sea life can be very dangerous as you do not know whether the animals are going to sting, bite and many more while taking photos and doing your job! Another disadvantage is that there can be boats and many things that can interfere while taking the photos.  


Overall, i think that Underwater photography is fascinating and interesting the way that they can go so far down underwater and create an amazing shot whilst also worrying about everything else such as things around them, all there equipment, whether the lighting is correct, hoping that there safety is okay. 
I think that it is a very interesting job, however i think you need to be very persistent with this job as you need to travel around the world to get best shots from different areas.